Intelligent Assessment for Elderly Fall Risk (ARD/287)

Intelligent Assessment for Elderly Fall Risk (ARD/287)

Intelligent Assessment for Elderly Fall Risk (ARD/287)
01 / 01 / 2023 - 30 / 09 / 2023

Dr Edward LOR

Hospital Authority

According to the World Health Organization, falling is one of the biggest killers for elderly. In Hong Kong, 25% of community dwelling elders suffer falls, with 75% of those resulted in injuries. Currently, fall risk assessments are primarily performed manually, making the operation not scalable while relying on considerable human judgement. This is particularly true in institutions like hospitals and nursing homes. In this project, we plan to adopt artificial intelligence, sensors and video analytics to assess fall risks that are pertinent to gait, posture, mobility, etc. ASTRI will develop a multi-modal approach for conducting more accurate and consistent assessments, while making the tasks more scalable through this automation process. The ultimate objective of this project is an intelligent assessment of fall risks that would be a key piece of a fall prevention solution. This technology will target hospitals, district health centres, nursing homes, etc.