應用於高功率及高頻的先進陶瓷基板 (ART/244CP)

應用於高功率及高頻的先進陶瓷基板 (ART/244CP)

應用於高功率及高頻的先進陶瓷基板 (ART/244CP)
01 / 01 / 2018 - 31 / 12 / 2019


1. Establishment of experimental platform for formulation, synthesis, & performance evaluation of butterfly-mode plating (BMP) recipes. 2. Design of substrates with feature pattern including RDL trace/Cu pillar (20um-50um) and through-hole (50um-150um) and fabrication of the designed substrate samples (500 pieces). 3. Investigate the BMP process and material formulae for through-hole filling applications, including the Reverse Periodic Pulse (RPP) and Additional Differential Etching (ADE) process parameter optimization, formula design of accelerator & inhibitor, formula design of etching catalyst & stabilizer, characterization and performance evaluation of the material formulae to achieve TP>200%. 4. Investigate the RPP process and material formulae for RDL trace/Cu pillar electrodeposition applications, including process parameter optimization, leveler formula design and characterization, and performance evaluation to achieve trace/pillar surface flatness <=5% and panel-level uniformity >=90% . 5. Finalize the material recipe and process parameters with the concrete performance evaluation, reliability testing, field testing data for the fabrication of the designed substrates with RDL trace/Cu pillar of 20um-50um & through-holes with diameter of 50um-250um and thickness of 200um~500um. 6. Contract Service Deliverables for Customer 1 Design of Experiment (DOE) for the processes that are related to the interfacial voids at Cu-Filled blind vias, substrate samples fabrication, report on reliability test and analysis. 7. Contract Service Deliverables for Customer 2 -Design report on high power substrate (including RDL & Cu-pillar Bumps, power module, passive devices, heat sink, driver board and its power supply) including design, simulation and manufacturing process flow; prototype samples (5 sets of prototype samples & 5 sets of final prototype samples); performance testing report and technology transfer. -Design report on thermal sensor monitoring for high power substrate (including RDL & Cu-pillar Bumps) and 50 sets of thermal sensor prototype samples. 8. Contract Service Deliverables for Customer 3 Report on copper via filling process design and on-site evaluation of plating solution; Recipe report on copper via filling additives of accelerator, suppressor and leveler including raw materials, formulation and production process for advanced substrate application; 1000 liter via filling additive and 1000 liter flash etching additive with ASTRI’s material recipe for field tests and evaluation. 9. Contract Service Deliverables for Customer 4 Report on plating performance evaluation of screened material recipes for rigid substrate application; 1000 litre via filling additive with ASTRI's material recipe for field tests.


大功率電力電子應用中,對於先進陶瓷基板細線寬線距圖形成型的需求與日俱增,尤其是對直接電鍍陶瓷(DPC)的要求越來越高。與LTCC,HTCC,DBC等其他陶瓷基板類型相比,DPC基板具有更高表面平整度及更低的線路對準誤差等優勢。 DPC技術採用完全填充的銅通孔代替傳統的銀塞膠工藝,不僅降低了成本,而且在電力電子及微波領域的應用更具優勢。然而,由於尺寸較小及深寬比較高等原因,DPC基板上的銅通孔無空洞完全填充及與線路一同成形難度巨大。 本項目擬開發全新的製造工藝及材料來完成DPC基板製造,並且將重點解決銅通孔無空洞完全填充的問題。同時,表面銅沉積厚度及表面平整度的問題也將得以改善以達到線路成形要求。全新的工藝是指綜合優化的脈衝電鍍波形、有機添加劑,攪動活化模式等三方面以達到蝴蝶型電鍍填充。另外,差分蝕刻也被應用在提高蝴蝶型填充效果和表面銅沉積厚度控制中。本項目將設計全新分子結構的整平添加劑,以達到銅線路及凸點成型過程中對錶面平整度及整版均勻性的要求。