深度機器視覺平臺 (ART/240CP)

深度機器視覺平臺 (ART/240CP)

深度機器視覺平臺 (ART/240CP)
16 / 11 / 2017 - 15 / 11 / 2019


1. Deep machine vision software platform: Vision measurement software a. GUI based IDE for vision application R&D b. Runtime processing module for vision application deployment c. 2D/3D vision measurement module d. Computer aided parameter tuning module Specifications: Runtime environment: Windows / Linux / ARM Development environment: Windows Speed: < 0.2s for template matching @4M camera I/O: Serial port / TCP / UDP / GPIO 2. Deep machine vision software platform: Defect detection software a. Data pre-processing algorithms b. Deep learning training system for machine vision c. Defect detection algorithms Specifications: Runtime environment: Windows / Linux / ARM Speed: < 200ms @ 4M camera Accuracy: > 95% (10-fold) 3. Deep machine vision software platform: Defect classification software a. Deep learning based vision classification algorithms b. Defect classification algorithms Specifications: Runtime environment: Windows / Linux / ARM Speed: < 500ms @ 4M camera with < 50 subjects Accuracy: > 95% (10-fold) 4. 2.5/3D cover glass inspection system a. High stability glass conveyer module for inspection b. Curved glass illumination module c. Multi-view image capture module d. Deep machine vision software system integration & optimization for 2.5D/3D cover glass inspection system e. Prototype pilot-run at cooperation party factory Specifications: Glass size: 3-8 inch Capturing views: front-view, side-view Defect size: > 0.015mm Speed: < 5s (2.5D), <8s (3D) 5. (A) Contract service deliverables for BICI: Deep learning vision classification training system Specification: System accuracy: 90% TPR (True Positive Rate) @ 5% FPR (False Positive Rate) (B) Contract service deliverables for SAE: Customize a smart machine vision software for the Customer’s wafer/chip surface defect inspection Specifications: I Smart machine vision software (alpha version), comprising of: a) Positioning module b) Detection module (alpha version) c) Point-line module d) Calibration module e) Image IO (input-output) module f) System logging module g) Communication module II Smart machine vision software (beta version), comprising of: a) All features in item 1 b) Camera capture module & extending interface c) Detection module (beta version) d) Image pre-processing module e) Plugin-module III Smart machine vision software (final version), comprising of: a) All features in item 2 b) GUI (Graphical User Interface) defect model design module c) Customized defect detection model d) Defect detection module IX A standard operation procedure in PowerPoint slides format (C) Contract service deliverables for Prevision: Design and prototype of dual line 2.5D & 3D cover glass inspection system


近年來,機器視覺技術飛躍發展,在發達國家的各種自動化生產在線中得到成功應用,該項技術的應用促使中國企業大量取代裝配生產線上的操作工人(例如廣東東莞實行的“機器換人”戰略)。目前,由於消費者對產品品質要求不斷提高,製造商必然僱傭更多工人進行表面缺陷檢查,導致人力成本上升。而現有的大多數視覺技術是以尺寸測量等功能而設計的,儘管一些專業軟體供應商也試圖開發用於表面瑕疵檢測模組,但是這類別模組通常是基於模板匹配或是基於人工編碼等不靈活的方法。同時,這類型軟體由於魯棒性低、機器試執行時間長、以及對專業領域知識水準要求高等因素,通常不能滿足表面瑕疵檢查的要求。而機器視覺技術正是解決該問題的良方。 因此,本項目提出了深度機器視覺平台技術來加強缺陷檢測的視覺應用。項目團隊提出以下受知識產權保護的平台技術,以挖掘市場的需求,包括:(1)快速視覺應用開發技術對常用的視覺應用進行快速開發;(2)深度學習缺陷檢測技術,使得瑕疵檢測的方法可以直接從視像數據中學習得到,而無需視覺工程師進行手動設計;(3)基於深度學習的缺陷分類技術可以對瑕疵進行進一步的分析;(4)2.5D及3D的玻璃檢測照明和採集技術。 本項目提出的平臺技術可以廣泛應用於不同工業領域,如消費電子製造,半導體製造等。尤其是消費電子製造行業,大部分的生產商位於中國,同時他們年營業額也在快速增長。以手機顯示屏為例,超過81%的產品是在中國製造的。本項目將要開發的平台技術可以幫助製造商以快速、低成本的方式構建視覺檢測的解決方案。而且深度機器視覺平台技術可以幫助用戶節省50%的視覺應用試運行時間,並降低30%的總成本。