晶圆级 LED 系统构装平台开发

晶圆级 LED 系统构装平台开发

晶圆级 LED 系统构装平台开发
20091123 - 20110522

At the end of this project, functional prototypes and following reports will be delivered which will be made for licensing to our customers for mass production. Detailed deliverables are shown as below: 1. Functional prototype: a) 3W and 5W LED flash module for camera phone application; b) 3W and 5W functional light engine for general lighting application. 2. Worldwide market report comprises worldwide survey/benchmark/report of up-to-date LED camera flash module and functional light engine in LED lighting market. 3. Technology status and development strategy including IP mapping and development strategy. 4. Design documents and the following information: • Document of electrical design and evaluation result (Soft & Hard Copy) • Document of optical design and evaluation results (Soft & Hard Copy) • Document of thermal and structure design (Soft & Hard Copy) • Flowchart and run card of process integration (Soft & Hard Copy) • Recommended supplier list • Molds and related jigs used in this project 5. Preliminary specifications of delivered prototypes will be clearly listed in tables and shown in appendix.
GZ Lovely Lighting [赞助机构]

近年来,LED的基础及应用技术有显著的进步,这些成就使得 LED光效上获得改善并且大幅降低 LED的成本,进而促成 LED 走出传统於号誌灯、指示灯等应用且逐渐切入显示、行动电子及照明领域。随著这种新光源进入显示背光、行动电子及一般照明领域,LED亦为这些产业带来新的衝击及希望。由於这些应用朝向多功能整合、小型化及低功耗等方向发展,LED器件的微型化、系统模块化及低成本为必要的市场趋势,为因应这样的需求,现行的分散器件设计将无法满足这样的要求。 为求根本解决这样的问题,在是次的计画案,团队将会开发出一晶圆级LED系统构装(Wafer Level LED System-in-Package, WL-LED-SiP)设计及製程平台,并以行动电话用的闪光灯及一般照明用的光引擎以验證此一平台。藉由平台技术及两项应用的开发,期能协助香港及珠叁角地区 LED 构装业界之技术升级并创造更多的利润。