

20070828 - 20090630

a) Technical reports for wireless-related market intelligence survey including market status & application targets. (Due date: 28/02/2008) b) Design specs and guidelines for an advanced version of the FEM module, e. g., >30% reduction in module size. (Due date: 28/02/2008) c) Design document and manufacturing process guidelines for ceramic substrate less than 150μm warpage. (Due date: 28/02/2008) d) Obtain 10% industry contribution. (Due date: 28/05/2008) e) Design documents and samples for a functional thin-film based FEM, including design for manufacturability document. (Due date: 15/12/2008) f) Microelectronics packaging-related IPs including at least 4 patents. (Due date: 2 patents, 28/04/2008; 2 patents, 23/01/2009 ) g) Establishment of a complete thin-film based FEM technology platform including substrate layout design, electrical (including the skin depth current analysis) and thermo-mechanical designs & analyses, characterization, and volume-manufacturing capabilities with preliminary reliability report. (Due date: 30/06/2009)

在未来无线通讯模组的市场中,低成本且高功能性产品的需求日意渐增。所谓的高功能产品将会把更多的功能积体化於模组之中,例如IEEE802.11 a/b/g/n的模组, 其应用频率将横跨2.4GHz与5.1GHz两个範畴。 同时对可携式电子产品的尺寸要求, 相关模组不仅被要求缩小所占用之基板面积, 亦须配合整体产品薄型化,而更加轻薄。这也说明了目前主流品不论是有机基板,或低温共烧机陶瓷基板, 虽对目前产品而言仍是低成本的选择,但其本质上的限制将造成此二类基板产品在下ㄧ世代市场需求产生进入门槛或障碍。本计划即针对高频之应用(有机基板之限制),提出薄型化(LTCC基板之限制)的薄膜型改质陶瓷基板,并以前端模组(FEM)作为测试载具,进行功能性, 可靠度及可量产性等验證,以达到低成本及高功能性之市场需求。