

20150401 - 20160930

1. Activity tracking module [Completion Date: 4 months after project start] 2. Module for heart rate, heart rate variability, breathing rate, stress and cognitive health measurement [Completion Date: 6 months after project start] 3. System for collecting physiological/cognitive health data and mood recognition through Bluetooth/WiFi/ZigBee [Completion Date: 6 months after project start] 4. Field test of the dongle for activity, physiological and cognitive health data collection [Completion Date: 10 months after project start] 5. Cognitive Active Index (CAI) based on activity, physiological and cognitive health measurement results [Completion Date: 12 months after project start] 6. System for screening physiological and cognitive health [Completion Date: 12 months after project start] 7. CAI model based on data collected in field test [Completion Date: 18 months after project start] 8. Product design for elderly and health conscious people comfort and easy wearing [Completion Date: 18 months after project start] 9. Contract Service Deliverables with Customer (1) (i) Mental stress and sleep monitoring device user control and display application interface software (APK format) (ii) 5 prototypes of the mental stress and sleep monitoring device
Dr Enboa WU Mr Ryan CHUNG Dr Vincent CHEN Dr Wing yan HO Mr Kenric Lam Mr Thomas Cheng Mr Kam Lai Wong Mr Arsenic Sze Mr Chi Tin Luk Dr Gerald Sze Dr Anita Yee Mr W K Luk Mr Sunny Chen Mr Eric LAI Mr Luis Ng Mr Raymond To Ms Carmen LIU Ms Kat KWAN Ms Wenbo GU Mr Morton MO Ms Alice CHOW
Heal Force Development Limited [贊助機構] Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association Shenzhen Breo Technology Co. Ltd. Shenzhen Breo Technology Co. Ltd. (Contract Service) [贊助機構] Shenzhen Breo Technology Co. Ltd. (Technology Licensing) [贊助機構] The University of Hong Kong, Sau Po Center on Ageing Wintronic Technology Limited [贊助機構]

據香港政府統計處估計, 30年後, 超過1/3的香港人口會是 65歲或以上。人口老化成為了21世紀其中一個在健康、社會和經濟方面上, 最大而世界性的挑戰, 而與年齡有關的或病理性的(如阿爾茨海默氏病)認知能力下降便是其中主要關注的問題。 如能及時發現, 診斷和介入與認知障礙的持續性評估, 巨大的醫療負擔便可大大緩解。 我們的目標是開發一個系統, 以促進篩查和及早發現香港老人認知健康的問題及照顧者的壓力水平。 目的是協助採用更科學的方法, 與生理數據同步進行專業的認知評估。 兼之, 促進認知功能障礙的早期檢測和其連續監測的發展, 以及改善香港老人對認知測試的感受。 在此項目中,我們的目標是開發一個系統, 透過活動,壓力,專注力和情緒的檢測,有助對使用者認知健康的評估。