

20100101 - 20111031

The deliverables of this project are listed as follows: 1. Production-ready sample(s) of wireless–related applications based on EH technologies including (1) batteryless TPMS with IP-protected power management algorithm, and (2) self-powered condition monitoring floor and/or intelligent insole. 2. Document of characterization and reliability methodologies in qualifying the EH-based system and results. 3. At least 4 EH-related IPs/patents (e.g. energy storage circuit, power management algorithm, system design of wireless sensor with EH, etc). 4. Energy harvesting market intelligence survey on selected application targets. 5. A licensable and serviceable EH-based platform for TPMS application to provide (1) EH design and modelling capabilities; (2) storage circuitry design; (3) advanced packaging solutions for EH; (4) system integration & implementation; (5) characterization and reliability tests. 6. Development of tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) for heavy vehicle applications with the following specifications: a. System-in-Package with pressure sensor for high pressure range (~100psi). b. Advanced antenna system for heavy vehicle (10 ~ 12m). c. Demonstration system of TPMS for heavy vehicle, including the display unit, receiver, wireless sensing modules, antenna system.
Akrometrix [贊助機構] 飛思卡爾半導體 [贊助機構] Fu Zhou Danlaw Xi Chen Electronic Tech. Co. Ltd. [贊助機構] Intel China Ltd.

現今,低功耗電子產品已被廣泛提倡,如在消費性電子產品、可穿戴式電子產品、汽車電子產品等。然而,這些應用對於其電子設備都具有類似的要求,如低功耗、細型、低成本、高可靠性、甚至以自供電源為最終目標。事實上,在傳感及其他領域有關的自供電源裝置的環球市場前景是相當可觀的,預期將由2008年的1350萬件增長到2013年的1.641億件。 本項目的主要目標是透過裝置自供電源裝置於現有的產品上,提高本地業界的產品競爭力。於本項目將開發的技術平台,包括能量採集器的結構設計、儲能電路設計及系統軟、硬件的開發能力。本項目將會考慮使用鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)及聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)作為能量轉化(即機械能(如振動、變形等)到電能的轉化)的壓電材料。我們目標是為業界提供一站式的平台,以實現可量產、低成本及可靠的能源採集器於真正產品上。因應可見的市場需求與增長,本項目將選用胎壓監測系統( TPMS ),能量採集地板及/或基於傳感器上的智慧鞋墊作為產品示範。