

20100101 - 20111031

The deliverables of this project are listed as follows: 1. Production-ready sample(s) of wireless–related applications based on EH technologies including (1) batteryless TPMS with IP-protected power management algorithm, and (2) self-powered condition monitoring floor and/or intelligent insole. 2. Document of characterization and reliability methodologies in qualifying the EH-based system and results. 3. At least 4 EH-related IPs/patents (e.g. energy storage circuit, power management algorithm, system design of wireless sensor with EH, etc). 4. Energy harvesting market intelligence survey on selected application targets. 5. A licensable and serviceable EH-based platform for TPMS application to provide (1) EH design and modelling capabilities; (2) storage circuitry design; (3) advanced packaging solutions for EH; (4) system integration & implementation; (5) characterization and reliability tests. 6. Development of tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS) for heavy vehicle applications with the following specifications: a. System-in-Package with pressure sensor for high pressure range (~100psi). b. Advanced antenna system for heavy vehicle (10 ~ 12m). c. Demonstration system of TPMS for heavy vehicle, including the display unit, receiver, wireless sensing modules, antenna system.
Akrometrix [赞助机构] 飞思卡尔半导体 [赞助机构] Fu Zhou Danlaw Xi Chen Electronic Tech. Co. Ltd. [赞助机构] Intel China Ltd.

现今,低功耗电子产品已被广泛提倡,如在消费性电子产品、可穿戴式电子产品、汽车电子产品等。然而,这些应用对於其电子设备都具有类似的要求,如低功耗、细型、低成本、高可靠性、甚至以自供电源为最终目标。事实上,在传感及其他领域有关的自供电源装置的环球市场前景是相当可观的,预期将由2008年的1350万件增长到2013年的1.641亿件。 本项目的主要目标是透过装置自供电源装置於现有的产品上,提高本地业界的产品竞争力。於本项目将开发的技术平台,包括能量采集器的结构设计、储能电路设计及系统软、硬件的开发能力。本项目将会考虑使用锆钛酸铅(PZT)及聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)作为能量转化(即机械能(如振动、变形等)到电能的转化)的压电材料。我们目标是为业界提供一站式的平台,以实现可量产、低成本及可靠的能源采集器於真正产品上。因应可见的市场需求与增长,本项目将选用胎压监测系统( TPMS ),能量采集地板及/或基於传感器上的智慧鞋垫作为产品示範。