

20090201 - 20100531

1. Configurable multi-standard AVS (AVS 1.0 and AVS-S) video encoder system design a. Programmable DSP-based architecture design with optimization in software & hardware partitioning DSP-based software + RTL code in FPGA) b. AVS 1.0 Profile high definition video encoder c. AVS-S video encoder 2. Fully verified RTL code in FPGA on a high performance DSP-based FPGA Emulation Platform for customer testing and integration. 3. One patent related to architecture and RTL code implementation 4. A report on the open-source multiple DSP encoder architecture designs with performance analysis comparing to the Tensilica solution. The report will include: 1) Analyze and select the most cost effective open-source DSP for this study. 2) Investigate the partition of the encoder codebase for multiple DSPs in order to achieve concurrency. 3) System Block Diagram of an open-source architecture that can achieve similar performance. 4) Performance comparison of the proposed open-source architecture with the Tensilica design in terms of system clock cycles, data through-put and latency. 5) Analysis of the encoder code-base using this open-source architecture (including DSP simulator) to get an estimated performance for comparison. 6) Trade-offs between these architectures.
科銳香港有限公司 廣州視源電子科技有限公司 海信電器股份有限公司 廣景科技有限公司 深圳利科达光电有限公司 上海高意雷射技術有限公司 深圳雅圖科技有限公司 [贊助機構] 深圳市新超亮特種顯示設備有限公司 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 雅力電子有限公司 偉志電子有限公司

此項目提出一種基于可配置DSP處理器(Tensilica DSP)和硬件加速模块的多標準視頻编碼器解决方案。由于出色的運算能力和可编程性,DSP 被廣泛地應用于音視頻處理器,它比一般的處理器效率高40-50%。可配置DSP處理器又可以使整個系统根據具體的應用進行最有效率的擴展和精簡,另外高效率的硬件模块可以使整個系统的效率、功耗和面積達到最優的狀態。 此項目的目标是開發出一種基于可配置/可擴展嵌入式DSP核和硬件加速器的視頻编碼器,此编碼器可以通過軟件配置出AVS 1.0 或者AVS-S编碼器。在這個項目中,我們會通过FPGA開發平台来驗証這個解决放案的DSP軟件和FPGA硬件IP。另外,在這個項目中ASTRI會和香港本地大學緊密合作(延续早先的在視頻研究领域的合作)共同開發系统的軟硬件框架和關鍵算法模块。