

20071115 - 20090515

The project deliverables are conceived and planned to meet customers’ technology development and product design requirements. These deliverables are grouped in four licensable packages: (1) CMOS UWB RFIC design package - ASIC CMOS RFIC for UWB, Mode 1 Frequency Range in the circuit format - ASIC circuit topology in schematic tool format - Mask layout in GDS II format - Verification models, input test wave forms, and test outputs - CMOS RFIC specifications and data sheet (2) RFIC CMOS reusable modeling IP blocks for SMIC 0.18um CMOS technology Package - Test bed circuits in circuit topology format - Test bed passive and active components in the GDS II layout format - Test results documentation in the text format - Design documents including data sheet, system designer’s guide, and application notes (3) RFIC CMOS reusable IP blocks package - Broadband LNA circuit - RF switch - Image reject quad RF mixer - 4th order Chebyshev gm-C filter - High speed PLL - Temp-insensitive bias supply circuit - High speed SSB mixer circuit - Circuit topology in tool format - Circuit simulation I/O decks in tool format (4) Testing technical documentation and measured data for CMOS IP blocks package; - Circuit design documents - PCB design documentations - Required components information - Measured data and test methodology documentation In addition to the above licensable package deliverables, the project will include the filing of innovative circuit design patents, it is expected that 3 patents will be filed. The project will also include the design and construction of a reference design board for testing purposes.
Alereon Inc. ARM公司 Automatic Mfg. Ltd. 中南電子有限公司 閃聯聯盟 電 訊 管 理 局 中芯國際集成電路製造(上海)有限公司 [贊助機構] 香港中文大學 香港科技大學

由於採用數碼化多媒體產品的數量激增,及家用消費電子產品中使用多媒體內容的數量亦日漸增多,從而令到個人網絡設置中,以無線技術連接各種電子產品和個人電腦的需求也日益增加。以超寬帶(UWB)無線通訊技術為基礎的無線通用串行總線(WUSB)標準,已被運用於解決個人電腦的應用上,同時,業界對以智能消費電子為主(非個人電腦)的數碼家居產品無線應用上,也有極大的需求。 本研究項目集中於設計一個以標準互補式金屬氧化層半導體(Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor, CMOS)技術的超外差式(superheterodyne)無線接收器,此無線接收器只需一個鎖相迴路(PLL)及一粒外接晶振,已能達到所需的無線頻率;同時,本研究項目能產生以CMOS為技術的射頻方案,從而生產出含有知識產權的射頻組件和射頻集成電路;最終,一個低功率和低成本所發展出來的超寬帶技術及先進的設計方案,能應用於獨立的WPAN系統及嵌入式應用上,令本地生產商,能製造出新的高速無線多媒體消費產品及設備.