

20080102 - 20090430

1. Hong Kong interactive TV technologies – Formation of industry consortium by working with broadcasters, OEM/ODM and 3rd party software vendors to jointly develop HK iTV standard.  Key technology contributors in HD and IP return-path  Owner of Hong Kong Profile  Technical feasibility evaluation of HK profile feature. – Specification of Hong Kong iTV standard - Hong Kong Profile 2. Interactive TV CE technology – Reference implementation of interactive TV CE platform with HK profile1.0 support – Interactive TV platform (convergence of IP connection and digital TV) with broadcasted metadata interpreter (based on Hong Kong Profile) and web 2.0 HTML browser engine support 3. Further Enhancement for high definition Digital Home Platform and support for HK DTTV launch • Development platform of this project; opportunity to upgrade existing customers of adding new feature and interactive capability 4. Extension and adaptation of MHEG5 to the Web/Internet technology 5. Operator/broadcaster selection for field trials. 6. Patent: 2 in the areas of • Metadata, Unified EPG (DTV, IPTV, PVR), streaming, HTML over datacast, ,.. etc. • Enhance user experience during navigation/display on TV: smart zooming,..etc • Personal content management: channel/program search, favorite, smart recording.. Etc
復旦大學 香港數碼港管理有限公司 Sun Cupid (Hong Kong) Limited [贊助機構] TCL King High Frequency EI, Co, Ltd [贊助機構]

這個項目的宗旨是要開發以數字式電視和寬頻連接為中心的互動技術, 以配合迅速發展和經濟不斷增長的香港/中國和全球性市場。 • 夥拍”中國電子视像行業協會彩電聯盟 “以概念證明實例來制定寬頻互動電視標準, 使香港/珠江三角洲的 OEM/ODM/ISP/ICP 能盡早進入中國市場。 • 創造互動電視的核心IP以把握/創造迅速發展的數字電視和互聯網通入匯合能力的全球性市場商機。 → 用戶通過TV遙控以索取不同的數字內容 (特別是互聯網) 的互動能力以豐富用戶體驗。 → 能夠透過互聯網發佈基於有交互功能的增值業務的電視節目的創新技術。 → 改進IP STB 平台以支援HD 和各種各樣的DTV 標準(DVB-T 、DMB-T.. 等) 的互動能力。