

20130306 - 20141005

There will be five deliverables in this project: 1 ) Video Enhancement (requires 12 months) ASTRI will develop a state-of-the-art video enhancement technology with the Chinese University of Hong Kong. This technology can remove camera noise and compression noise, and enhance intensity range simultaneously. It is required to develop this technology because qualities of most of the surveillance videos are so low that existing algorithms fail to work. With this technology, we can improve the image quality of the videos such that these low quality videos can be processed. 2) Advanced Feature Extraction (requires 15 months) ASTRI will develop the following two new feature extraction methods for video object decomposition and classification tasks: i) Real-time and high accuracy human and vehicle detection technique; and ii) High accuracy face detection and recognition technique. These two new techniques will largely increase the respective object detection rate, which will help improve the quality of the following learning-based event detection. 3) Learning-based Event Detection (requires 11 months) ASTRI will develop an automatic behavior learning technique to learn and understand the motion behavior of moving objects captured by a video camera. It will generate a classifier for normal-and-abnormal motion classification. The classifier can be used to detect abnormal events for the learned camera by automatically generating rules to analyze the moving content. This kind of technique is not supported in existing intelligent video surveillance products. 4) Query-by-Example/Sketch Object Indexing and Retrieval (requires 5 months) ASTRI will develop an object retrieval technique that allows a user to input images or sketches as queries for searching the desired objects from an analyzed video. This kind of technique is not supported in existing intelligent video surveillance products. 5) An integrated client-server system (requires 4 months) ASTRI will integrate all the above technologies together with the necessary low-level video processing techniques from previous projects into a client-server system, which provides all the necessary services for video surveillance analysis. Some of the above deliverables will be developed concurrently. The total project duration is 19 months. Please refer to Annex 1: Project Schedule for the detailed timeframe.
趙盛章博士 湯逸生博士 胡大鵬博士 麥振文博士 周曉女士 陳宜廉先生 黃漢強先生 黃沛杰博士 郭宏智先生 林志偉先生 李輝先生 何劍婷女士 劉宇强博士 王凱嬋女士 俞漢彪先生 吳潮華先生 Mr Joni LAITINEN 鄭珊珊女士 劉强先生 朱星華女士
天地陽光通信科技(北京)有限公司 [贊助機構] 桂林利達通訊工程有限公司 香港懲教署 香港久淩技術有限公司 [贊助機構] 香港久淩技術有限公司 (研究合約) [贊助機構] 香港中文大學

近年,有關智能視頻監控平台的需求日益增加,相應地,與此有關的市場也在高速的增長。為此,所得到的視頻源也以海量的數量存在著。一般現有的智能分析系統,重點都只是分解和歸類視頻中的物體,在實際應用中,仍是需要操作者針對特定的事態來設定方案才能運作。當遇上了海量的視頻和千變萬化的事態的時候,這種需要人手設定的手段則變得不太合適。 這一項目的主要目標是要開發一個能真正對監控視頻作出分析和理解的平台系統,它會自動學習並「理解」視頻中的運動,免除所提到的人手設定,以填補在智能監控平台市場中這一方面的空白。項目的另一個目標,是要開發一個用戶友好的「例子查詢」檢索系統,以讓用戶提取已分解和已理解的視頻資訊。為了支持以上兩個大目標,所需的基礎視頻增強、分解和歸類技術也會進行必要性的改良。當中部分算法會移植到前端設備之中,整個系統,會以「客戶端—服務器」的形式實現。我們會與香港紀律部隊(包括香港懲教署)和業界夥伴緊密合作,打造一個走在市場尖端的智能視頻監控平台系統。