

20111107 - 20130430

At the end of this project, functional prototypes and following documentations / reports will be delivered which may be released with the licensing to our customers for their own mass production. Details of the deliverables are shown as below: 1. Functional prototypes: a) Intelligent sensing lighting control SiP module platform and LED lamps, such as LED corridor lamps, streetlamps, or other outdoor lighting fixtures, which can be integrated with the sensing module. b) False alarm immunization algorithm. c) Plug and play adaptation with wireless control network (mesh network). 2. Functional prototypes will be tested with industrial standards 3. Functional prototype demonstration to be showcased in selected site of government department such as the Housing Authority (HA) properties or private company for system evaluation (The exact location will be confirmed later) and subsequent technology promotions. 4. Design documentations and the reports: a) Full report and documentation on the proposed system. b) Performance evaluation report utilizing one of the government department such as Housing Authority properties or a private company. c) Testing reports
Champion Source Ltd. [贊助機構] 香港城市大學 香港房屋協會 房屋署 利安環保科技有限公司 Logic Token Enterprises Ltd. [贊助機構] 晶門科技有限公司 科傳系統有限公司

現今環保成為重大議題,促使民眾或政府機關皆逐漸重視節能減碳的問題。根據統計照明所消耗的電能約佔全球用電量的17.5%,而香港機電工程署(Electrical and Mechanical Services Department , EMSD)的紀錄顯示也有12%以上的照明電量消耗。另一方面,目前低效能光源如HID與鹵素燈,其所產生之廢熱也導致相關空調冷卻不必要之損耗。因此,為了增加光源效能及減低廢熱的影響,從而降底整體照明成本,減少電能損耗,進一步達到低碳足跡的環保要求, LED 光源將是目前最佳的選擇方案。無線照明控制系統能透過調時調光等功能加强LED節能的效果。此控制系統會組成一個無線網絡,可以集中監視和控制。此外,無線照明控制系統亦有助於減少電纜使用,降低安裝成本。應科院提出此解決方案,用以提高現有的無線照明控制系統的能力。針對現有無線模塊系統提出的改進方案,加入微波運動感測功能,以達到降低成本(↓55%)和減少體積(↓50%)的需求。本系統有助於控制檢測指定區域的照明亮度,方案中的固件設計(信號分析)可以防止微波傳感器誤報。因此,無線傳感器和無線照明控制系統結合在同一個網絡系統,將是一個高效整合與低成本的設計,同時也對照明提供有效的節能利用,達到低碳足跡的政府策略。