

20110616 - 20130415

ASTRI AMS group will propose specifications and complete the design, simulation, layout and evaluation of silicon IP blocks to be used in the Pico Projector systems. The IP blocks include programmable LED drivers and programmable DC/DC converters. The interface circuitry to the projector system will also be developed in order to achieve an integrated solution. Below is a summary of the deliverables: a. LED drivers with programmable range from 200mA to 800mA b. DC/DC converters accepting 2.5V to 5V battery input, producing regulated output voltages from 1.2V to 5V c. Integrated IC containing the LED driver, DC/DC converters and a 100MHZ serial communication port, fabricated with 0.25/0.35um 5/12V HV process
國際商業機器中國香港有限公司 [贊助機構]

由于個人電子設備(如PDA、netbook和拍照手機等)的體積日趨縮小,它们的顯示屏太小而無法呈現良好的視覺效果。微投影技術可以提供大屏幕影像,從而很好的解決了這個問題。預計市場對微投影系統的需求將快速增長。 微投影系統的大規模生產和應用取決於光學和電學部份的小型化程度。近期光機部份的突破性進展已經為其量產掃清了障礙,然而,電學部份中分立IC模塊尺寸過大、成本過高且功耗太大,仍然限制了微投影系統的推廣和應用。 本項目將研發應用於顯示系統的功耗管理和LED驅動電路的IP硬核。同時,我們將與業界領先的商業夥伴合作,研發一款關鍵性的LED光源管理驅動芯片,使微投影系統的大規模生產成為可能。