

20090625 - 20110324

The project deliverables are listed in the following. i. Dual Mode DTMB Baseband System Design  . Dual Mode DTMB system specification  . Architecture design and hardware sharing for multi-carrier and single carrier systems  . Dual Mode System algorithm development and simulation, including single carrier synchronization, channel estimation and equalization. Both floating point and fixed point simulation for dual mode DTMB are to be developed to verify the functionalities and measure the performance. Pertinent simulation platform, including test benches and test vectors generation, supports hardware implementation. ii. Dual Mode DTMB Baseband FPGA Design and Testing  . FPGA architecture design  . FPGa Module Design and Implementation, including single carrier synchronization, channel estimation and equalization etc.  . Dual Mode baseband FPGA integration iii. Dual Mode DTMB Hardware Board Design  . FPGA demo board design, PCB layout, and integration. The board will be integrated and tested to demonstrate Dual Mode DTMB functionality and performance. Integration with RF tuner is optional at this stage.  . FPGA based system verification and testing iv. DTMB Baseband ASIC Design  . ASIC chip design specification  . ASIC chip architecture design - Baseband architecture design includes architecture design in ASIC chip, as well as baseband board levels. Such architecture design takes overall design objectives (low power, low cost, high efficiency and good performance, etc.) into account and optimize hardware resources and performance tradeoff in the architecture level. . Front-End ASIC Design and Implementation, including FPGA to ASIC porting, RTL synthesis and Formal verification . Back-End Design and Implementation . Dual Mode Chip Tape Out v. IP Development and Patent Applications . At least two patents in the Dual Mode DTMB system and implementation will be generated in the project. vi. Industry contribution and sponsorship We will actively seek for customers and partners and industry contribution for at least 10% of total budget in the entire project and continue after the end of project. The goal is to promote the technology and project deliverables and gain industry contribution for the project.
Cadence [贊助機構]

該項目致力于開發適用于中國地面和移動數字電視應用,特別是中國強制數字地面電視標準(DTMB),的單頻和雙頻模式的數字電視核心,知識產權以及ASIC設計。該項目是前ITF“數字電視應用的OFDM核心”項目的自然延續。前項目主要實現DTMB雙頻模式下的OFDM核心和ASIC設計。而本項目則致力于開發可完全與DTMB標準兼容的雙模DTMB晶片,并提供該晶片的參考設計。 從模擬電視到數字電視的轉變帶來了大量的市場機遇和科技創新。許多新的數字電視應用應運而生。考慮到中國有超過三億八千萬臺電視機,而數字電視技術還可被應用于其他設備中,可預見的將來,特別是在中國,隨著國家標準DTMB在其后的三至五年中被廣泛采用,技術方面的創新無疑將產生巨大的市場推動力并帶來大量的市場機遇。 該項目于適當的市場契機中提出,并緊跟技術發展的趨勢。為實現項目目標,由產品與應用驅動的先進的R&D方法將被采用。知識產權和技術的開發帶來的技術轉讓和巨大的市場機遇將令香港,珠三角乃至整個中國的數字電視行業受益。該項目組成員將從項目伊始即與客戶和項目伙伴積極溝通,令他們可以最大程度受惠于ASTRI的技術和知識產權。