

20160115 - 20170714

1.1 Platform requirement and system architecture; 1.2 Complex event computation infrastructure and platform design 1.2.1 Event stream framework and processing module 1.2.2 System modules and tools – real-time database optimization, Java libraries (chart, multiple sorting), cross-language messaging, high-performance communication and caching module 1.3 Basic quantitative analysis and statistical tools 1.4 Extensible API for supporting outside applications 2.1 Hybrid CEC engine supporting explicit and implicit event modelers 2.1.1 Quantitative analysis and application modules 2.1.2 Statistical toolbox and supporting modules for hybrid model 2.2 Quantitative analysis, optimization, and estimation algorithms for Parametric Modeling 3.1 Built-in stream data infrastructure supporting efficient stream statistical package 3.2 Tools and modules for financial big data applications 3.3 General-purpose, distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant, pluggable platform for processing continuous unbounded streams of data
屈耀榮博士 Dr Jerome Yen 劉宇先生 吴康恒博士 Mr Cheuk Lun, Calvin Cheung 劉揚博士 趙曉宇先生 廖诗羽先生 繆孟特先生 招琸珩先生 王祖耀先生 古文昌先生 Mr Jiqi, Jacky Zhang 趙文友博士
滙雋有限公司 [贊助機構] 上海雲熠信息科技有限公司 [贊助機構] t.Axiom Solutions Ltd (Inkind) [贊助機構] 權理院科技有限公司 [贊助機構]

複雜事件計算和處理平臺項目的重點是針對實際應用中含眾多不確定因素的大數據的一個高效的,可擴展的和高性能的計算引擎和數據基礎設施平台以利於創新性和开創性的基於大數據的應用, 產品和服務的開發。該項目旨在提供高性能的數據處理,包含顯函數和隱函數的事件描述工具, 低時延數據流分析,分佈式統計處理,最優的執行和有效的風險管理,来打造核心大數據平台,使合作夥伴,如大學和工業界的量化分析人才在開放式的高效益平台上建立,發展,和商業化創新的大數據產品和應用。