移动视觉计算平台 (ART/229CP)

移动视觉计算平台 (ART/229CP)

移动视觉计算平台 (ART/229CP)
30 / 03 / 2017 - 29 / 09 / 2018


1. Software engines with the following technologies: a) Fisheye image processing, computer vision and SLAM algorithms b) Middleware level motion tracking, 3D gesture control and 3D room reconstruction with compatible Android API c) A optimized OS supporting heterogeneous computing and offloading computing 2. Reference design of demo applications for business engagements: a) “VR Virtual Tour” applications with above software engines and a self-developed HMD/fisheye camera prototype. 3. Contract Service Deliverables for Customer 1: a: Prototype hardware module - VR head mounted display (HMD) device b: VR HMD software prototype with 3D gesture control engine c: Optimized prototype hardware module - VR head mounted display (HMD) device d: Optimized software modules for final release package. e: Document of algorithms and application programming interface(API)1. Software engines with the following technologies: a) Fisheye image processing, computer vision and SLAM algorithms b) Middleware level motion tracking, 3D gesture control and 3D room reconstruction with compatible Android API c) A optimized OS supporting heterogeneous computing and offloading computing 2. Reference design of demo applications for business engagements: a) “VR Virtual Tour” applications with above software engines and a self-developed HMD/fisheye camera prototype. 3. Contract Service Deliverables for Customer 1: a: Prototype hardware module - VR head mounted display (HMD) device b: VR HMD software prototype with 3D gesture control engine c: Optimized prototype hardware module - VR head mounted display (HMD) device d: Optimized software modules for final release package. e: Document of algorithms and application programming interface(API)


虚擬现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)已成为继移动互联网计算之后的下一个主要技术和市场趋势。目前, 大多数的业內人士都专注於头戴式显示器(HMD)的硬件设计和各种虚擬现实应用的开发,整体系统和作业软件方面, 则仍处於起步阶段。许多重要的范畴还没有深入的研究,比如如何將真实环境方便地转移到虚擬现实,以及如何实现人机的自然交互等。本项目旨在开发一个Linux / Android操作系统平台和视觉计算引擎以解决上述挑战,从而使机器更智能。 我们將利用移动VR和AR设备上的图像传感器来获取重要信息,研发的技术特点包括利用视觉测程技术实现HMD设备的六自由度运动跟踪,利用手势识別实现轻鬆的人机交互及利用立体视觉技术建立环境地图和模型。此外,为解决涉及这些功能的密集型计算负载,適应性的GPU加速器和动態卸载计算到边缘服务器將被应用到我们的系统上。