业务感知的虚擬移动核心网 (ART/236CP)

业务感知的虚擬移动核心网 (ART/236CP)

业务感知的虚擬移动核心网 (ART/236CP)
15 / 05 / 2017 - 14 / 05 / 2019


Mobile Edge Computing Platform, consisting of following sub-components: - MEC Applications containers framework - Virtual Infrastructure Management & Orchestration framework - Virtual Networking Data Plane - Enhanced VNF for 3GPP (signaling and data plane handling) - ME Platform Services – Traffic Routing, Connectivity, DNS, … - Service Function Chaining capability - Service Authorization framework MEC Sample Application: - IoV management system as a demonstration of MEC application. Verification of MEC under wireless back-haul - MEC deployment in Satellite based deploymentsMobile Edge Computing Platform, consisting of following sub-components: - MEC Applications containers framework - Virtual Infrastructure Management & Orchestration framework - Virtual Networking Data Plane - Enhanced VNF for 3GPP (signaling and data plane handling) - ME Platform Services – Traffic Routing, Connectivity, DNS, … - Service Function Chaining capability - Service Authorization framework MEC Sample Application: - IoV management system as a demonstration of MEC application. Verification of MEC under wireless back-haul - MEC deployment in Satellite based deployments


项目旨在研究和开发移动边缘计算(MEC)及服务功能的链接(SFC)技术,并应用在虚擬化LTE移动核心网络上,提供服务感知移动核心网。 移动边缘计算(MEC)可以分流无线网络数据流量,並在网络边缘(network edge) 建立的云计算平台进行处理,不会影响到移动核心网络架构。 MEC能提高用户体验,例如虚擬现实,高速缓存,视频分析。服务功能链接(SFC)支持根据应用来选择数据路由(而不是传统的根据地址的路由)。同时利用MEC和SFC,可以提供移动网络的灵活性和安全性,支持更多不同种类的应用。 在本项目开发的技术还使应用(如虚擬旅游,物联网)利用移动边缘特性,从而提供低时延和流量根据无线电条件调整等能力来优化使用场景和体验。 业界对於MEC及其相关技术很感兴趣。项目小组已经在和三家公司(两个电信设备製造商/集成商和一个卫星通信设备公司)进行商务討论,提供共超过20%的资金和对技术进行商品化。