Driving Behavior Analysis

In light of catastrophic traffic accidents that has shocked Hong Kong in the past year, this technology provides the means for public transportation to improve the safety.  By integrated analysis of the vehicle’s “black-box” data, as well as the video recording of the surrounding scenarios and circumstances, it helps the transportation operator identify high-risk drivers for continuing professional development.  The technology is also meant to help an organization with a fleet of vehicles and a team of drivers to manage.

Integrated Data and Video Analytics
Integrated Data and Video Analytics


On this platform, both data and video analytics are used for driver evaluation. Based on machine learning, bad driving habits are learned from historic operation data of the vehicles and labelled, and used as reference models to classify newly collected data of current drivers. At the same time, the surrounding video captured can provide confirmations for anomalies analyzed or reveal additional potentially risky events.

Display of Driver Assessment
Display of Driver Assessment


Capture of Potentially Risky Driving Event
Capture of Potentially Risky Driving Event