

20140625 - 20160424

1. Server and client software platforms that enable Smart Classroom, including a Messaging Engine, and interface with Learning Management System (LMS)/e-Learning Cloud. 2. Applications: a) sample interactive teaching and learning apps such as ad hoc Quiz, ad hoc Voting, and student question submission, plus a first-level framework app for teacher and student, a content creation tool for interactive activities. b) Time/Space shift software + built-in class session recorder for aforementioned learning activities + class session player c) augmented reality app - generic AR player 3. Cloud/LMS-related: a) enhancement for AR-content creation b) Archiver – to archive data such as class session, learning activities, and learning data. 4. Trial reports: - conduct trials in schools/training centres
王忠维先生 周经伟博士 方来发先生 汤逸生博士 陈宜廉先生 祖洪峰先生 欧頴僖先生 粟家辉先生 李伟麟先生 崔垣嫄女士 陈大伟先生 梁家怡女士 邹戗祁先生 梁富屯先生 王媛媛女士 杨逸先生 时浩邦先生 陈浩杰先生 林爱华女士 刘文建博士 遊文耀先生 陈国娴博士 吴志刚先生 王雁晨女士 洪丹博士
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