

20090930 - 20110329

1. Hardware Platform: Digital IF FPGA Board: Two FPGAs together with Analog and digital convertors. The initial FPGA board with sample up/down to/from 140MHz IF. The FPGA will implement DDC, DUC, CFG, DPD, and AGC with DIF interface connectors. RF Transceiver Board: Using third-party components, the RF transceiver will convert the IF to RF and visa versa. RF Functional assemblies: Variable Phase Shifter: A variable phase shifter that can control the beam-tilt in a base station antenna by +/- 10 degrees. RF Multiplexer: A RF assembly that has one RF input and 4 RF outputs with control interface for ISM2400 networks. Automatic Tuning Circuit: A reconfigurable tuning circuit that can tune the antenna resonance by +/- 5%. RF Jammer: A RF assembly that can jam signals in the ISM2400 band and still follow OFTA specifications. 2. Technical Design Documents for each hardware module Simulations Variable Phase Shifter: Simulations using Electromagnetic simulators 4. USA Patent applications: At least 4 patents in the following areas: Variable phase shifting RF switching circuits Automatic tuning and reconfigurable circuits Base station antenna assemblies FPGA architecture
Altera International Limited [赞助机构] Analog Devices [赞助机构]

这个项目的重点是开发新的平台技术,使先进的射频和天线技术。目标应用平台是广播和通信技术。该项目将集中在两个方面:增加以及先进的RF功能和硬件平台,使这一技术。额外的RF功能的基础上以前的经验和IP积极天线,波束形成,并隔离,以创造先进的射频技术:有源相控天线阵列,自动匹配电路,射频干扰,射频多路复用。为了使双方事先和未来的先进天线/射频职能,该项目将建立一个FPGA平台的天线和射频控制。在FPGA平台还可以用来作为中继或远程无线电单位,无论是原有无线网络和未来的无线网络。 该平台开发的技术将立即实施的通信行业,无论是在小利基市场和较大的基础设施市场。新平台技术将使天线和RF组共同努力,既符合行业和跨网域範围内的CT组和研究院。