

20071030 - 20090429

The project deliverables are listed in the following. 1. DTMB Baseband System Design • DTMB system specification • Architecture design and hardware and software partition • DTMB system interface design • System Algorithm Development and Simulation, including synchronization, channel estimation and equalization, channel decoding, digital front end design, 3780 DFT, transmitter function to provide TS stream and DTMB signals. Floating point and fixed point simulations for DTMB will be developed to verify and optimize the algorithm performance and design trade off. Appropriate simulation platform (test vectors and test benches) will also support RTL design verification by providing adequate test cases and test results. 2. DTMB Baseband FPGA Design • FPGA architecture design • FPGA Module Design and Implementation, including 3780 DFT, forward error correction, synchronization, channel estimation etc. • Baseband FPGA Integration 3. Hardware Board Design • FPGA demo board design, PCB layout, and integration. The board will be integrated and tested to demonstrate DTMB functionality and performance. Integration with RF tuner is optional at this stage. • FPGA based system verification and testing 4. DTMB Baseband ASIC Design • ASIC chip design specification • ASIC chip architecture design - Baseband architecture design includes architecture design in ASIC chip, as well as baseband board levels. Such architecture design takes overall design objectives (low power, cost, high efficiency and good performance, etc.) into account and optimize hardware resources and performance tradeoff in the architecture level. • Front-End ASIC Design and Implementation, including FPGA to ASIC porting, RTL synthesis and Formal verification • Back-End Design and Implementation, including static timing analysis and power analysis • Test Chip Tape Out Depending upon customer's demand, resource availability and schedule constraint, a test chip tape out would be considered. 5. IP Development and Patent Applications At least two patents in the DTMB system and implementation will be generated in the project. Preliminary topics (may change or revise later depending upon the IP development progress) are listed below: • DTMB PN removal and data compensation • Hardware impairment correction methods 6. Industry contribution and sponsorship We will actively seek for customers and partners and industry contribution for at least 10% of total budget in the entire project and continue after the end of project. The goal is to promote the technology and project deliverables and gain industry contribution for the project.
Cadence [赞助机构] 飞思卡尔半导体香港有限公司 [赞助机构] 罗德与施瓦茨香港有限公司 [赞助机构]

本项目的目标是为实现数字电视应用而开发的OFDM 技术和IPs。具体而言,该项目是基於中国地面数字电视标準DTMB,开发系统演算法和RTL IPs。除了针对中国地面标準DTMB(DMB-T)在IP 方面开发,本项目更强调在系统和硬体结构以及 DTMB 晶片设计,以获得更具市场竞争力的IP 与产品。在这项研製过程中所建立的技术平臺和培养之技术专长,将为日後各种多模多功能技术及OFDM 相关的无线传输技术的研发道路奠定坚实基础。 该项目的主要驱动力来自於巨大的市场机遇和技术创新。电视工业的技术革命近年来正在逐步展开。除了显示技术由RCT 到等离子、LCD 再到LED,更重要而深刻的变化体现在模拟到数字技术的演进。这些技术更替使得标準清晰和高清晰能在更高效利用频谱的同时,提供更高质量的接收。世界上各主要国家都对数字电视有了明确规划,其发展是大势所趋。鉴於全球现有逾8 亿数量的电视机和10 亿移动电话,可以预见在未来五到十年,其持续高增长的市场潜力不容小觑。 目前大多数数字地面和移动电视的国际标準都以OFDM 作为其传输技术。这进一步肯定了我们的研发内容和方向,同时也为我们提供了前所未有的机遇和绝佳的市场时机来进行创新并提高在业界的影响。我们将审慎地通过系统结构设计,演算法创新及仿真,FPGA 验證,系统集成和性能测评等一系列步骤来确保该项目的顺利完成。在项目初期阶段我们还将与客户和合作夥伴通力协作,使他们可以最大限度地受益於ASTRI 所提供的技术和IPs。近来成立的应科院-清华多媒体通信联合实验室使应科院从多年的研发成果和DTMB 专业技术中获益匪浅, 最终把这项技术更快的推向市场。