

20081101 - 20101031

The project deliverables are listed in the following. (A). One technology transfer: A developed fabrication process of ASTRI anode material can fabricate at least 5Kg lot size ASTRI anode material. The viability of the process shall be verified through the cost effectively produced sample is capable of producing next generation LIB through; Pilot battery production line using ASTRI anode material fabrication processes to produce batteries. (B). Two successful battery prototypes using ASTRI-anode-material either in an existing automatic fabrication line; or in two existing auto-fabrication-line. That is 1). Li ion cell/battery with the anode electrode plate, the anode electrode plate is casting with 5kg lot size ASTRI anode material using auto-fab-line to produce batteries for the verification of anode material function with performance parameters meeting the following specs: Energy capacity > 450 A•hr/Kg, Irreversible Capacity <10% of the Energy capacity, Cycle life: 400 cycles with less than 20% decay of the first charged energy capacity. 2). Auto-line battery fabrication using 15Kg lot size ASTRI anode material to produce battery for the verification of anode material function with the same performance specified above. In addition, it shall pass a very stringent high C-rate criterion below: Batteries to perform the anode material with weight energy density > 240 Ahr/Kg, Volumetric energy density > 500Whr/L and discharge smoothly with 10 C rate. (C). Technical report consisting the followings records: 1). Develop scale up ASTRI anode material processes from current 150g (seed project) to a scale of 15 kg that maintaining the material performance as seed project specifications. 2). Develop one surface modifier for cost effectively producing ASTRI cathode material breaking the bottle neck of the current commercial cathode material such as volumetric energy density for the future Li-ion battery applications 3). Develop one ASTRI cathode material. As a result of the feasibility phase of cathode material development, the material shall be with energy capacity >200 Ahr/Kg with 2.1 gram per cc tap density; or (with tap density >2.5 g/cc on the 170 A.hr/Kg energy capacity), > 200 cycles life and with high C charge/discharge capability.

本计画延续近来完成的NALI种子计画,种子计画成功的设计,製造并验證出符合下一代锂离子电池所需複合材料。种子计画中并可製备出具成本效益的之下一世代负极材料。此高效能之负极材料经锂电池厂商验證具有高电容量密度(350~450 mAmphr/g),快速充放电与长使用寿命。ASTRI製备之负极材料可相容扵市售电池组装流程与设备,而轻易加以商用化。 本计画续研发; 1) 符合成本效益,从150g 放大至15-25 Kg之负极材料量产製程设计。 2) 沿用已发展之商用材料与平台製备技术,研发出具成本效益正极複合材料,是由粒径均匀且均质之一次奈米粒子複合而成。 3) 验證所製备的高效能正极材料符合下一世代锂电池需求。 本计画致力於ASTRI电极材料的商业化,将从中国/香港地区电池製造厂商的技术移转与技术授权中得到利益。