

20081216 - 20091215

There will be four deliverables in this project. They are listed as follows: • A Mobile Peer Group Service Platform This deliverable is a software development platform. The most significant layer of this platform is the technology framework that enables mobile, peer-group-based services. Such service applications will be built on this platform. • Peer-group based applications Prototypical applications will be built to showcase the functionalities of the MPG Service Platform. The applications to be built will demonstrate a mobile peer group for off-line social networking, sharing of Internet access resource among a wireless LAN peer group. We will also analyze the performance issues of media delivery applications within a wireless LAN peer group. • Explore business relationships with potential partners We will explore the business opportunities with service providers and enterprises that can benefit from this technology. This relationship may be in the present licensing model or in the Enterprise and Consumer Electronics (ECE) Domain’s upcoming application partnership model, in which ECE offers the source code of the platform to vendors to build innovative applications. • Patent application For the patent application, there are many potential topics in this area. The area that we will file patent would likely be a virtual resource framework for mobile and stationary peer pairing.

对等式网际网路技术(P2P)是新一代网路和内容分发技术,它促成了很多新的应用。对等组的对等点可在没有部署集中控制的情况下形成网路,进行沟通和资源共享。例如协同工作,社会网络,内容共享等服务,便以P2P为底层网路技术。目前为止,P2P应用如视频流媒体和文件共享主要以台式计算机为对等点。移动设备受到诸如电力消耗,带宽和存储的内在制约所限,在对等作业的範畴遇到挑战。 这个项目将引进一个为解决这些问题的技术框架。移动对等组服务基於现有技术,如对等协议和对等发现,允许移动设备参与P2P一类的应用。在对等组内,移动对等点能找到其他对等点,进行社交及分享用户产生内容。借助这个框架,资源限制对移动设备进行对等作业的影响将会减至最低。