

20140324 - 20150923

We plan to achieve the following deliverables within the fifteen-month project period: 1. Develop a first-ever high throughput fluorescence microscopic scanning platform with real-time auto focusing and adaptive depth of field extension capabilities, with the throughput up to ten times higher than current commercially available slide scanners 2. Develop a generic facilitating software system for fluorescence microscopy based diagnosis including image processing and object classification functionalities, with the speed and accuracy optimizable for different application requirements 3. Develop a first-ever automated Tuberculosis whole smear screening system by customizing the developed high throughput scanning platform and diagnosis facilitating software, achieving sensitivity significantly higher than current manual microscopic diagnosis 4. Conduct a large scale evaluation test for the developed smear screening system with a collaborating party to quantitatively measure its performance in speed, sensitivity and specificity, and prepare the test report for further system development
梁志明先生 黄敬修博士 Dr Ivy Law Mr Harley Li Mr Hanbin Jian
香港中文大学微生物系 河南省疾控中心结核病预防控制所 康圣环球 MetaSystems Asia Co., Ltd. [赞助机构] 香港协励行有限公司 [赞助机构] 香港协励行有限公司 [赞助机构] 香港中文大学何鸿燊防治传染病研究中心

病理诊断如今正同时面临著机遇与挑战。一方面,越来越多先进的显微镜技术,例如萤光显微镜和共聚焦显微镜,正逐渐从科研转向临床, 辅助病理医生们诊断癌癥等複杂疾病。但目前这些技术的使用通常都依赖于複杂的手动操控而导致效率低下。 另一方面,强劲并且日趋廉价的电脑技术,包括图像处理与机器识别,原则上可以有效辅助病理医生进行诊断,但当下的诊断辅助软件却经常不能满足临床上的速度与精度要求。 此项目针对以上问题,将开发一套高通量自动萤光显微扫描系统,同时也将开发一套电脑辅助诊断软件以配合此扫描系统使用,从而达到实时诊断的效果。此扫描兼诊断系统可用於各种基於萤光显微镜的病理诊断,例如免疫萤光诊断,萤光原位杂交诊断,高内涵筛选等。作为首个应用範例,本项目将开发具有较当前人工诊断灵敏度显著提高的世界首个结核病自动全塗片筛查系统。