

20120215 - 20130815

1) Design documentations for a large FOV and high resolution imaging module, an efficient and robust focus searching algorithm, and a fast and precise auto focusing module 2) A prototype of the large FOV, high resolution imaging module and its performance comparison to a commercial slide digitization system. 3) An efficient and robust focus-searching algorithm for fast auto focusing needed in high throughput slide digitization systems. 4) A prototype of a fast and precise actuation module to realize the developed auto focusing algorithm, and its performance comparison to a commercial slide digitization system. 5) Licensable imaging and focusing technologies including at least two invention/patent disclosures. 6) A large-scale slide digitization and digital pathology diagnosis trial with two hospitals.
香港丰图有限公司 [赞助机构] 香港协励行有限公司 [赞助机构]

数位化病理包含对病理切片进行数位化成像,管理和诊断。相较于传统的基於光学显微镜和玻璃切片的诊断方式,数位化病理不但对病理医师们进行远端诊断提供了支援,而且支援病理医师运用各种图像分析软体进行更加定量和客观诊断。基於以上优点,数位化病理将引起病理诊断的革新,从而带给大众更快更好的医疗服务。然而,由於一些技术上的障碍,例如过长的数位成像时间和较大的图像资料量,以及高昂的价格,现阶段数位化病理诊断还没有得到广泛普及。 此专案的目的是开发新的技术用以提高病理切片数位成像速度。我们研究的重点将集中於两个方向。 一:大视野高分辨成像系统的光学设计,用以减少全幅切片成像需要的局部成像次数;二:快速回应的自动对焦系统的力学设计,用以减少全幅切片对焦所需的时间。