

20090625 - 20110324

The project deliverables are listed in the following. i. Dual Mode DTMB Baseband System Design  . Dual Mode DTMB system specification  . Architecture design and hardware sharing for multi-carrier and single carrier systems  . Dual Mode System algorithm development and simulation, including single carrier synchronization, channel estimation and equalization. Both floating point and fixed point simulation for dual mode DTMB are to be developed to verify the functionalities and measure the performance. Pertinent simulation platform, including test benches and test vectors generation, supports hardware implementation. ii. Dual Mode DTMB Baseband FPGA Design and Testing  . FPGA architecture design  . FPGa Module Design and Implementation, including single carrier synchronization, channel estimation and equalization etc.  . Dual Mode baseband FPGA integration iii. Dual Mode DTMB Hardware Board Design  . FPGA demo board design, PCB layout, and integration. The board will be integrated and tested to demonstrate Dual Mode DTMB functionality and performance. Integration with RF tuner is optional at this stage.  . FPGA based system verification and testing iv. DTMB Baseband ASIC Design  . ASIC chip design specification  . ASIC chip architecture design - Baseband architecture design includes architecture design in ASIC chip, as well as baseband board levels. Such architecture design takes overall design objectives (low power, low cost, high efficiency and good performance, etc.) into account and optimize hardware resources and performance tradeoff in the architecture level. . Front-End ASIC Design and Implementation, including FPGA to ASIC porting, RTL synthesis and Formal verification . Back-End Design and Implementation . Dual Mode Chip Tape Out v. IP Development and Patent Applications . At least two patents in the Dual Mode DTMB system and implementation will be generated in the project. vi. Industry contribution and sponsorship We will actively seek for customers and partners and industry contribution for at least 10% of total budget in the entire project and continue after the end of project. The goal is to promote the technology and project deliverables and gain industry contribution for the project.
Cadence [赞助机构]

该项目致力于开发适用于中国地面和移动数字电视应用,特别是中国强制数字地面电视标準(DTMB),的单频和双频模式的数字电视核心,知识产权以及ASIC设计。该项目是前ITF“数字电视应用的OFDM核心”项目的自然延续。前项目主要实现DTMB双频模式下的OFDM核心和ASIC设计。而本项目则致力于开发可完全与DTMB标準兼容的双模DTMB晶片,并提供该晶片的参考设计。 从模拟电视到数字电视的转变带来了大量的市场机遇和科技创新。许多新的数字电视应用应运而生。考虑到中国有超过叁亿八千万臺电视机,而数字电视技术还可被应用于其他设备中,可预见的将来,特别是在中国,随著国家标準DTMB在其后的叁至五年中被广泛采用,技术方面的创新无疑将产生巨大的市场推动力并带来大量的市场机遇。 该项目于适当的市场契机中提出,并紧跟技术发展的趋势。为实现项目目标,由产品与应用驱动的先进的R&D方法将被采用。知识产权和技术的开发带来的技术转让和巨大的市场机遇将令香港,珠叁角乃至整个中国的数字电视行业受益。该项目组成员将从项目伊始即与客户和项目伙伴积极沟通,令他们可以最大程度受惠于ASTRI的技术和知识产权。