

20120611 - 20131211

1. Hardware Platform (Industry): ICS Digital Repeater Unit: One FPGA (Stratix or Cyclone or Arria or equivalent) together with the RF transceiver and power amplifier. The FPGA will implement DPD for PA linearization and ICS for interference cancellation. RF Transceiver Board: Using third-party components, the RF transceiver will convert the IF to RF and vice versa for GSM multi-carrier/3G/4G (2 standards dependent on customer feedback). Power Amplifier: Power amplifier with a signal bandwidth of 2-25 MHz for thermal efficiency improvement. Weatherproof Enclosure Service & Donor Antennas Pair of antennas with high front to back ratios and high isolation 2. Hardware Feasibility Study (Compact): ICS Digital Repeater Unit (Compact and Semi-Portable): One FPGA (Stratix or Cyclone or Aria or equivalent) together with the RF transceiver and power amplifier. The FPGA will implement DPD for PA linearization and ICS for interference cancellation. RF Transceiver Board: Using third-party components, the RF transceiver will convert the IF to RF and visa versa for emergency access bands. Power Amplifier: Power amplifier with a signal bandwidth of 2-25 MHz for thermal efficiency improvement. Weatherproof and Harsh environments Enclosure Service & Donor Antennas (Compact) Pair of antennas with high front to back ratios and high isolation 3. Technical Design Documents for each hardware platform
Altera [赞助机构] 深圳中科创迪通讯技术有限公司 [赞助机构]

这个项目的重点是开发一个新的先进射频和天线技术平台。本平台的目标应用是广播和通信技术。本项目将集中在叁方面:1)结合干扰消除方案2)功率放大器的数字预失真(DPD)技术3)先进的功率放大器以配和用於 3G和4G网络低成本及紧凑型设计的中继器。功率放大器的DPD是实现中继器可重构必不可少的技术(软件升级,而不是硬件升级)和降低成本的平台,允许使用较低成本的功率放大器。本项目研发的干扰消除技术将提高前端和後端天线之间的隔离30dB,允许天线之间的距离减少以实现紧凑型的中继单元。数字放大器采用数字控制的电路,以减少热耗散的能量,使数字中继器使用较小的散热器。本平台项目以以往项目累积的经验和知识产权如有源天线,波束成形技术,隔离技术,建立先进的前端和後端天线系统;结合功率放大器的DPD和新的干扰消除技术。 无论是利基市场或是大型基础设施市场,本平台开发的技术能立即应用。本天线和射频组将与应科院的其他组以及业界一起开发这个新的平台。