

20060719 - 20071218

This project consists of two phases of development. Phase I: (first 8.5 months) 1) System Specifications and High Level Design (HLD) documents. 2) Release 1 Development: Design documents and software deliverables including MNE generator and Fixed WiMAX equipment support. 3) Release 1 System Testing: System test plan and test reports for Release 1 software deliverables. 4) Release 2 Development: Design documents and software deliverables including Performance Management Features. 5) Release 2 System Testing: System test plan and test reports for Release 2 software deliverables. 6) Review milestone: Project team will report to TR panel as soon as additional 7.5% industry contribution secured and reviewed by TR panel. The project Phase II will be continued with review milestone achieved. Phase II: (next 8.5 months) 7) Release 3 Development: Design documents and software deliverables including Management Features (QoS Management) specifically for fixed WiMAX. 8) Release 3 System Testing: System test plan and test reports for Release 3 software deliverables. 9) Release 4 Development: Design documents and software deliverables including mobile WiMAX equipment support and mobile WiMAX QoS & RF monitoring. 10)Release 4 System Testing: System test plan and test reports for Release 4 software deliverables.
奥泰尔科技有限公司 [赞助机构] Cascade Limited (PCCW Company) [赞助机构] 江扬科技(无锡)有限公司 [赞助机构] Omni-Present Communications Limited Proxim Wireless Networks (Hong Kong) [赞助机构]

本项目旨在研发一套『可定制无线网元管理系统』(CWMS),此无线网络网元管理系统能轻易、迅速及高成本效益地作出定制,为无线网络设备供应商提供一套支援其IEEE802.11 (WiFi) 和 IEEE802.16 (WiMAX) 标準无线网络设备的无线网络网元管理系统。此外,本项目亦会研发各项针对WiMAX网络的进阶管理功能。 面对著无线接入市场的快速增长,不少设置於本地、珠江叁角洲和大中华区的设备供应商均投放资源去提供针对WiFi及WiMAX应用的完整组网及解决方案,包括生产无线接入点(Access Point) 、基站(Base Station)及无线网桥(Wireless Bridge)。 然而,为了对网络营办商提供可监控及管理网元的功能,设备供应商必须将其产品与网元管理系统结合。但是,许多中小型设备供应商均缺乏所需的专门技术,时间与资源去自行开发性能完备的网元管理系统,而现时市场上亦缺乏这种能定制网元管理系统的技术。本项目所开发的技术及软件系统则可为这些设备供应商,以最低的成本及资源,来定制出可管理任何规模的WiFi及/或WiMAX 网络的网元管理系统。这不但使设备供应商可集中研发资源於其核心产品,并使优质产品可以更快推出市场,应用於更大规模的部署,以提升设备供应商的竞争力,利润率及市场占有率。 现阶段己经有数家的设备供应商表示了对本项目及应科院所开发的可定制无线网管系统技术感到相当的兴趣,其中,江扬科技(无锡)(Jupiter Technology (Wuxi)) 已同意资助项目经费3万 5 千美元 (2.5% 项目经费)。而南京智达康(Nangjing ZCOM) 己经跟应科院在合约上进行洽谈。相信在未来会有更多的客户会对本项目所研发的进阶网管功能感到兴趣及参予开发。