面板級 LED 技術平台開發

面板級 LED 技術平台開發

面板級 LED 技術平台開發
20111219 - 20130618

By the end of the project, the following items will be delivered for the licensees for mass production. Detailed specifications for the functional prototypes will be described later in the report. 1. Functional prototypes of: a. Multiple LED array for demonstration of the PL-LED platform; b. 10 ~ 35W Single LED white light module @16V&0.8A (specifications are tabulated in Annex A) for projector applications; c. 5W ~ 15W LED light module for general lighting application. Light module using PL-LED package (specifications are given in Table 3 of Section C) and commercial available LED packages will be integrated into LED MR16 spotlight, PAR lamp, or E27 light bulb for performance evaluation. Target specifications of different lamps are given in Table 4 of Section C. 2. Documents (soft & hard copies) for design and process guidelines: a. Design rule of the PL-LED structure (electrical, optical, thermal, and material); b. Evaluations of the PL-LED thermal design; c. Flowchart and run card of the process integration; d. Reliability characterization procedures and preliminary measurement results. 3. Report on the technology status and development strategy for ultra high power and high power-density LED chip/component/module, including IP mapping and benchmark analysis.
弗侖斯系統股份有限公司 晶元光電股份有限公司 深圳雷曼光電科技股份有限公司 深圳市上福瑞光電技術有限公司 香港理工大學

隨著LED的基礎及應用技術的精進,使得光效獲得改善並且大幅降低成本,進而促成 LED 走出傳統低亮度低功率的應用,逐漸切入顯示、行動電子及照明領域。當LED為這些產業帶來新的衝擊及希望時,LED產業也開始思考將電子封裝技術引入LED的產品應用,朝向高功率、高功率密度方向發展,以達成LED器件的高照度、高可靠度及低成本的市場趨勢。 為求根本解決高功率、高功率密度等高照度應用的問題,技術團隊將開發出面板級LED封裝技術平台(Panel Level LED Packaging Platform, PL-LED),引入成熟之基板技術,實現可專利化LED封裝架構,並以一般照明及LED投影機的光源元件驗證此平台技術。相較於現階段之LED產品可降低25%以上之熱阻,並提升封裝連結點之可靠度; 另一方面,結合導線重佈技術(RDL)開發出大型發光面積之LED元件。整體而言可提升10%之光輸出,同時達30%之成本降低。技術團隊期望藉由此平台技術及兩項應用的開發,能協助香港及珠三角地區 LED構裝及照明業界之技術升級並創造更多利潤。