

20140324 - 20150923

We plan to achieve the following deliverables within the fifteen-month project period: 1. Develop a first-ever high throughput fluorescence microscopic scanning platform with real-time auto focusing and adaptive depth of field extension capabilities, with the throughput up to ten times higher than current commercially available slide scanners 2. Develop a generic facilitating software system for fluorescence microscopy based diagnosis including image processing and object classification functionalities, with the speed and accuracy optimizable for different application requirements 3. Develop a first-ever automated Tuberculosis whole smear screening system by customizing the developed high throughput scanning platform and diagnosis facilitating software, achieving sensitivity significantly higher than current manual microscopic diagnosis 4. Conduct a large scale evaluation test for the developed smear screening system with a collaborating party to quantitatively measure its performance in speed, sensitivity and specificity, and prepare the test report for further system development
梁志明先生 黃敬修博士 Dr Ivy Law Mr Harley Li Mr Hanbin Jian
香港中文大學微生物系 河南省疾控中心结核病预防控制所 康圣環球 MetaSystems Asia Co., Ltd. [贊助機構] 香港協勵行有限公司 [贊助機構] 香港協勵行有限公司 [贊助機構] 香港中文大學何鴻燊防治傳染病研究中心

病理診斷如今正同時面臨著機遇與挑戰。一方面,越來越多先進的顯微鏡技術,例如螢光顯微鏡和共聚焦顯微鏡,正逐漸從科研轉向臨床, 輔助病理醫生們診斷癌癥等複雜疾病。但目前這些技術的使用通常都依賴于複雜的手動操控而導致效率低下。 另一方面,強勁並且日趨廉價的電腦技術,包括圖像處理與機器識別,原則上可以有效輔助病理醫生進行診斷,但當下的診斷輔助軟件卻經常不能滿足臨床上的速度與精度要求。 此項目針對以上問題,將開發一套高通量自動螢光顯微掃描系統,同時也將開發一套電腦輔助診斷軟件以配合此掃描系統使用,從而達到實時診斷的效果。此掃描兼診斷系統可用於各種基於螢光顯微鏡的病理診斷,例如免疫螢光診斷,螢光原位雜交診斷,高內涵篩選等。作為首個應用範例,本項目將開發具有較當前人工診斷靈敏度顯著提高的世界首個結核病自動全塗片篩查系統。