

20070816 - 20080815

(1) Core technology modules for Client-based wireless Hotspot Access Technology platform As discussed in Section C, there are a number of technological challenges that have to be overcome in order for the WiFi access realization to meet the expectation of the market and the end users. To address these challenges, the following technology modules will be developed on top of a WiFi-enabled Voice over IP (VoIP) platform. There are three primary technology modules to be addressed in the project CHAT. i) Managed Access & Authentication Framework: This is an enhancement of the existing WiFi authentication schemes to address the access requirements of WiFi hotspots and to provide the managed logon and logoff functionality. ii) Power-optimized Keep-Alive Framework: This framework provides an optimized cross-layer integrated approach to handle all the keep-alive activities of the network stack in a power-efficient manner. iii) Inter-hotspot Session Management: This module enables SIP-based real-time applications to maintain session persistence across different subnets or domains. Furthermore, the existing WiFi phone forms the foundation of the CHAT project. There are certain core technology in the WiFi that requires further development to ensure the robustness, interoperability, protocol stack extensibility and commercial readiness. The relevant core components that require additional work include the SIP Stack, Configuration Management, and Man-Machine Interface (MMI). These components are further explained in the "CHAT Platform" in Section C. (2) WiFi-enabled portable platform prototype We will research and develop a WiFi-enabled hardware platform which is capable of executing all the core technology modules found in this project "CHAT". The hardware design primarily functions as a cost-effective embedded realization platform to illustrate the viability of all the essential CHAT modules and how they can be integrated with other communication system modules. The WiFi-enabled portable platform prototype will support the following key functional categories: • WLAN, • Networking, • Call features, • Audio processing, and • CHAT (3) Further exploration of other emergent challenges in WiFi hotspot access and related issues. As the number of WiFi hotspot grows, there will be a steadfast increase in both deployment coverage and density. New challenges will arise and in turn new opportunities will be uncovered.
BellTech Co Ltd Boingo [贊助機構] Freescale [贊助機構] 權智掌上電腦有限公司

本研究項目開發客戶機無線上網據點接入技術,使備有無線保真技術(WiFi)的通訊設備不但可以接入無線上網據點,還可以在嵌入式系統的約束下維持無線網際網路服務。 無線保真技術是家中及企業中的主要無線接入技術。在公共場所,無線網際網路服務通常由無線上網據點業者或整合業者提供。無線上網據點的使用率正持續激增。不只上網據點的數量增加,覆蓋的區域也愈來愈多。比起在家中及企業中使用無線上網,透過公共無線上網據點上網對無線攜帶型裝置來說在技術上更具挑戰性。此項目旨在解決耗電量,運算及典型嵌入式平台記憶限制所引起的問題。需要處理的包括無線網際網路服務的發現,枚舉和選拔功能;無線網際網路接入和認證;無線網際網路的維持,令其接入服務容易獲得及確保其可接近性;還有容許一些可以增加服務使用率及使用方法的功能。 無線保真技術成了所有單模(無線保真),雙模(蜂窩+無線保真),及三模(無線保真+蜂窩+移動電視)移動裝置必備的無線接入技術。我們的技術平臺以嵌入式平台的軟體和韌體為主。為了更輕易地融入各種支援無線保真技術的多模流動裝置,技術平臺的設計及執行會循著便攜的方向進行。