Enhanced DTMB Network

Enhanced DTMB Network

Enhanced DTMB Network
20110125 - 20120131

Mr Yiu-kei Li
1) System Architecture Design o System specification o System architecture design o TX algorithm design o RX algorithm design o System simulation platform 2) Tx FPGA Design & HW Development o RTL design & simulation o Schematic & layout design 3) RX FPGA Design & HW Development o RTL design & simulation o Schematic & layout design
Shenzhen State Micro Technology Co. Ltd

This project aims to provide an enhancement to the existing DTMB network, so that multiple services can be supported within a DTMB channel. Apart from the conventional SD and HD terrestrial TV programs, other services, such as the mobile TV services, can be simultaneously delivered in the same DTMB channel by the operator. The whole platform, including both transmitter and receiver, are to be designed and implemented in this project, as the proposed multi-service enhancement method involves both sides. Specifically, the project team would work out the overall system designs, as well as the transmitter and receiver design, which include the architecture, algorithm and simulation platform designs. This project is primarily driven by the rapid expansion of the DTMB infrastructure deployment and enormous market opportunities in DTMB terminal development. Both the fixed (home DTV, etc.) and mobile (Car TV, TV phone etc.) markets are booming rapidly, which tends to provide anytime anywhere DTMB services to users. By utilizing the existing DTMB infrastructure and spectrum resources, this project is proposed to provide multi-services support in the ubiquitous network, with least investment and reasonable amount of change to the existing system. Great challenges can be envisioned by adopting both conventional terrestrial TV services and mobile services in the same DTMB channel, due to their different sensitivity to the channel environment. This, on the other hand, provides us the unique opportunity and perfect market window to innovate and promote our solutions. To assure accomplishing the project goal, a prudent systematic approach, through system architecture design, algorithm innovation and simulation, and system integration and performance verification will be adopted. Customer and partner engagements will be carried out in the early stage of the project so that they can fully benefit from ASTRI’s technology and IPs. In addition, the ASTRI-Tsinghua Multimedia Broadcasting and Communications Joint Lab enables ASTRI to leverage and benefit from years of R&D efforts and DTMB technology expertise to bring this technology to consumer applications at faster pace.